
It is such a secret place, the land of tears. : Marie Claire Mrch'15Photo: Ivan KnyazevStyle & set design: Varvara SemenovaMuah: Svetlana StolarenkoModels: Maria Glebova, Anastasia Dainovec, MashaPhotographer assistant : Philipp Sakharov

It is such a secret place, the land of tears. : Marie Claire Mrch'15Photo: Ivan KnyazevStyle & set design: Varvara SemenovaMuah: Svetlana StolarenkoModels: Maria Glebova, Anastasia Dainovec, MashaPhotographer assistant : Philipp Sakharov
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It is such a secret place, the land of tears. : Marie Claire Mrch'15Photo: Ivan KnyazevStyle & set design: Varvara SemenovaMuah: Svetlana StolarenkoModels: Maria Glebova, Anastasia Dainovec, MashaPhotographer assistant : Philipp Sakharov
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347粉丝 · 6012采集
2017/06/16 转采自huangsss
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