
The Lost Legacy Train Chase, Todd Foster : The Train Chase was a large vehicle level where the player is trying to chase down a train, while driving a jeep. In the story, it immediately followed the depot level, so continued much of the look that we had

The Lost Legacy Train Chase, Todd Foster : The Train Chase was a large vehicle level where the player is trying to chase down a train, while driving a jeep. In the story, it immediately followed the depot level, so continued much of the look that we had
Shadow of the Colossus - Various , Mak Malovic : I was the Lead Architectural Artist on Shadow of the Colossus. Here are some of the other things i focused on throughout the project. Usually helping out one of the level leads with any of the man made thin
Shadow of the Colossus - Various , Mak Malovic : I was the Lead Architectural Artist on Shadow of the Colossus. Here are some of the other things i focused on throughout the project. Usually helping out one of the level leads with any of the man made thin
Shadow of the Colossus - Colossus XV Arena , Mak Malovic : I was the Lead Architectural Artist on Shadow of the Colossus. I worked on the Arena, outer walls and the halls leading up to it from the desert. The surrounding landscape was done by Urban McLaff
Paragon Stormy lighting look-dev , Anton Migulko : Lighting look dev for possible lighting scenario
BS Village, Kim Bong-seop : Environment Game Graphic Design.
ArtStation : ArtStation is the leading showcase platform for games, film, media & entertainment artists.
我的首页 微博-随时随地发现新鲜事
Oleg Gamov : Sr.Level artist.  Ubisoft
Oleg Gamov : Sr.Level artist.  Ubisoft
The Lost Legacy Train Chase, Todd Foster : The Train Chase was a large vehicle level where the player is trying to chase down a train, while driving a jeep.  In the story, it immediately followed the depot level, so continued much of the look that we had
神秘海域4:盗贼末路 <wbr>( <wbr>Uncharted <wbr>4: <wbr>A <wbr>Thief's <wbr>End)
神秘海域4:盗贼末路 <wbr>( <wbr>Uncharted <wbr>4: <wbr>A <wbr>Thief's <wbr>End)
ArtStation : ArtStation is the leading showcase platform for games, film, media & entertainment artists.
Joel Pelletant : 3D Environment Artist
하루한장 : 네이버 블로그 : 안녕하세요. 컨셉아티스트 최규석입니다. 이 블로그는 연습과 컨셉 그리고 작업일지를 기록하는 공간으로 활용하고 있습니다.
Tutorial map | lobby - level design, Val Orlov : Hi guys! I want to present you several in-game screenshots of tutorial map and lobby we created for 'TG' project. I was doing art direction and level design of this map.
Tutorial map | lobby - level design, Val Orlov : Hi guys! I want to present you several in-game screenshots of tutorial map and lobby we created for 'TG' project. I was doing art direction and level design of this map.
游戏美术素材 暗黑血统魔幻写实地宫宫殿奇迹遗迹场景 3D模型 U3D/Unity3d手游场景  CG原画参考 CG概念场景设定
游戏美术素材 暗黑血统魔幻写实地宫宫殿奇迹遗迹场景 3D模型 U3D/Unity3d手游场景  CG原画参考 CG概念场景设定
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