Underground Relic, Llia Yu : Underground Relic, The expedition found the entrance to the underground civilization.

Underground Relic, Llia Yu : Underground Relic, The expedition found the entrance to the underground civilization.
76采集 · 3关注
【画师 David Fortin 富含个性的欧美卡通风格角色设计】
【画师 David Fortin 富含个性的欧美卡通风格角色设计】
Bedroom, Mike Redman : New Illustration, really getting back to what I love about painting, and that is pretty much characters and mood.

I have found that recently I have strayed a bit far from that and want to pull it back.

Hope you like it
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The guards, Yuliya Litvinova : The guards by Yuliya Litvinova on ArtStation.
Underground Relic, Llia Yu : Underground Relic, The expedition found the entrance to the underground civilization.
一眼就被画面里精心布置的光影效果打动,更让人着迷的是作品里她执着地想要传达的情绪。#王国·人物#19期 @椰奶神 ——王国人物是涂鸦王国新开设的专栏,将深度专访推荐更多国内外优秀艺术家。 采访内容戳O椰奶神 | 漫威见闻和动画梦想
一眼就被画面里精心布置的光影效果打动,更让人着迷的是作品里她执着地想要传达的情绪。#王国·人物#19期 @椰奶神 ——王国人物是涂鸦王国新开设的专栏,将深度专访推荐更多国内外优秀艺术家。 采访内容戳O椰奶神 | 漫威见闻和动画梦想
艺术界CG联盟的照片 - 微相册
渐龙轩-游戏UI网络全年招生,(UI班报名群:195295201 ,UI交流群:474829749 ),微博:渐龙轩,微信:jianlongxuan
Megan Fox Digital Drawing, Toni Spagnoletti : This drawing was a real pain. I spent at least 20 hours on this dang thing... I love doing realism way more than character stuff, this is more my thing so i'll be trying to do more of this stuff on tablet and
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7粉丝 · 364采集
2018/05/17 转采自朗基努斯枪
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