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SAMSUNG C9pro Pink Social Campaign on Behance
SAMSUNG C9pro Pink Social Campaign on Behance
밤사이 기적 : 지친 몸으로 집에 돌아오면 샤워는커녕 세수조차 버겁다. 누적된 피로에 관리의 부재까지. 나날이 늙어가는 나와 달리 근사한 외모로 아침을 맞는 동료의 낯빛은 환하다. 에스테틱을 찾을 만큼 한가롭지 않은 그는 간밤의 야근과 회식 자리에도 함께했다. 뭔가 다른 때깔의 비결이 몹시 궁금해진다. 무엇이 다른 걸까? 그 비법은 잠들기 전 5분 투자, 나이트 케어에 있었다.
밤낮으로 물 주기 : 보습 케어는 피부 타입에 상관없이 모든 남자가 기본으로 삼아야 하는 관리. 겨울 피부에 필요한, 최소한의 보습 케어법을 알아두자.
NIKE FOOTBALL CLEATS : Combining Nicholas Duers fantastic photography and our retouching helped us achieve the brand standard look for the final images. We are proud of all of the campaigns that included the final images.
Installations : Collection of personal explorations made during February-May 2018
Top Creative Work On Behance : Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
Top Creative Work On Behance : Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
Top Creative Work On Behance : Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
Top Creative Work On Behance : Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
Top Creative Work On Behance : Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
Top Creative Work On Behance : Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
Top Creative Work On Behance : Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
Top Creative Work On Behance : Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
Top Creative Work On Behance : Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
229.1 k abonnés, 1,830 abonnement, 1,711 publications - Découvrez les photos et vidéos Instagram de Photo Gallery (@symmetricalmonsters)
282粉丝 · 1.3w+采集
2018/09/15 转采自吴佳惠
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