Red Dot Design Award: H0 Black

Red Dot Design Award: H0 Black

Red Dot Design Award: H0 Black
419采集 · 49关注
ASUS VivoWatch BP
ASUS VivoWatch BP
H. Moser and Cie Venturer Tourbillon Dual Time Watch
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Industrial Design Trends and Inspiration - leManoosh : leManoosh is an industrial design ressource to learn and find inspiration with the latest trends in the industrial product design industry and sketches
Industrial Design Trends and Inspiration - leManoosh : leManoosh is an industrial design ressource to learn and find inspiration with the latest trends in the industrial product design industry and sketches
Industrial Design Trends and Inspiration - leManoosh : leManoosh is an industrial design ressource to learn and find inspiration with the latest trends in the industrial product design industry and sketches
Red Dot Design Award: H0 Black
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Women's gold watch with square case - Dolce & Gabbana : Dolce & Gabbana Sofia: women's watch with gold case, rubies, square case and pale blue satin strap. Available for online purchase.
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Industrial Design Trends and Inspiration - leManoosh : leManoosh is an industrial design ressource to learn and find inspiration with the latest trends in the industrial product design industry and sketches
Industrial Design Trends and Inspiration - leManoosh : leManoosh is an industrial design ressource to learn and find inspiration with the latest trends in the industrial product design industry and sketches
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Ron Herman x Nixon 2014 Summer LTD Supertide:
Antiemetic Instrument
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Zex NT:
Marek & Associates - Frederik Lieberath - IKEPOD : Marek & Associates - Frederik Lieberath - IKEPOD
NIXON 日前与时尚名店 Ron Herman 合作带来一款限量版 Supertide 腕表。Supertide 本身对全球 270 个沙滩实时信息及潮汐动态信息的记录,就使之成为定位明确的冲浪运动腕表,而此次的联名版也在其历来极简的设计基础上,搭配采用 Never Dry 技术处理的表带,让整款腕表呈现出类似刚从水中出来的视觉效果,给了冲浪爱好者更多的选择
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439粉丝 · 8631采集
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