
Source: astrangerreplay

Source: astrangerreplay
136采集 · 10关注
APC, Ayi Sanchez : This was a collaboration between Matthias Develtere and myself, or better said, result of a bet between us XD. He did all the modelling and I took care of all the texturing. It took me around 5 days, but i could have spent probably doub
APC, Ayi Sanchez : This was a collaboration between Matthias Develtere and myself, or better said, result of a bet between us XD. He did all the modelling and I took care of all the texturing. It took me around 5 days, but i could have spent probably doub
APC, Ayi Sanchez : This was a collaboration between Matthias Develtere and myself, or better said, result of a bet between us XD. He did all the modelling and I took care of all the texturing. It took me around 5 days, but i could have spent probably doub
APC, Ayi Sanchez : This was a collaboration between Matthias Develtere and myself, or better said, result of a bet between us XD. He did all the modelling and I took care of all the texturing. It took me around 5 days, but i could have spent probably doub
APC, Ayi Sanchez : This was a collaboration between Matthias Develtere and myself, or better said, result of a bet between us XD. He did all the modelling and I took care of all the texturing. It took me around 5 days, but i could have spent probably doub
APC, Ayi Sanchez : This was a collaboration between Matthias Develtere and myself, or better said, result of a bet between us XD. He did all the modelling and I took care of all the texturing. It took me around 5 days, but i could have spent probably doub
游戏美术素材 Unity3d角色场景 卡通Q版城市街道室内室外家具植物3D模型 CG原画参考设定 低多边形模型 双矩漫画
the leech, bryant Koshu : a military mech designed to steal enemy electricity.
Experiments in Sci-Fi Door Design - No. 2
Source: astrangerreplay
高达PG 多大的搜索结果_百度图片搜索
Shadow Fiend set - DOTA 2, Sergey Kunmay : Highpoly of Shadow Fiend set
Concept by Konstantin Turovec
Viktor Kitsemyagi : 3d artist at TRACE studio
Viktor Kitsemyagi : 3d artist at TRACE studio
chinese temple, Viktor Kitsemyagi
waterfall hotel, Viktor Kitsemyagi_3D _急急如率令-B14424546B- _3D/模型/建模
waterfall hotel, Viktor Kitsemyagi_3D _急急如率令-B14424546B- _3D/模型/建模
巨魔,Einar Martinsen:这是我对经典挪威巨魔的诠释!这幅画是用毛笔、单簧管和照相店制作的_3D _急急如率令-B14424546B- _3D/模型/建模
巨魔,Einar Martinsen:这是我对经典挪威巨魔的诠释!这幅画是用毛笔、单簧管和照相店制作的_3D _急急如率令-B14424546B- _3D/模型/建模
193粉丝 · 1w+采集
2019/04/04 转采自新木创意-豹豹
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