Poems for children. : Poems for children. Book design and illustration by Gosia Herba and Mikołaj Pasiński.

Poems for children. : Poems for children. Book design and illustration by Gosia Herba and Mikołaj Pasiński.

Poems for children. : Poems for children. Book design and illustration by Gosia Herba and Mikołaj Pasiński.
201采集 · 160关注
Today at Apple : Last week, I had the chance to participate in one of the art and design sessions at the Apple Store in the Champs-Elysées during the Big Draw Festival.I was able to talk about my work and also involve the public with an activity that cons
2020 수수깡 식물 달력 — 수목원 樹⽊園 plantarium : 2020 수수깡 식물 달력 120 × 230mm, 2019 ☀︎ Print : 인타임
Black & Orange イラスト on Behance
Exhibition《Everywhere There Are Kids》
Happy New Year!!
Poems for children. : Poems for children. Book design and illustration by Gosia Herba and Mikołaj Pasiński.
Behance :: 为您呈现
2020年第一个活动,木木美术馆首度跨界企划: 大水花研究所-在大卫·霍克尼“大水花”展期的最后一个周末,超级植物公司将与@M_WOODS木木美术馆@喜茶 、 @ARCH-Beijing 、@单向街图书馆 共同打造一个时长3天的共享实验空间。超级植物将以【赶集】的形式,呈现一场不一样的冬日花市。

2020年1月3日到5日 ​​​​...展开全文c
2020年第一个活动,木木美术馆首度跨界企划: 大水花研究所-在大卫·霍克尼“大水花”展期的最后一个周末,超级植物公司将与@M_WOODS木木美术馆@喜茶 、 @ARCH-Beijing 、@单向街图书馆 共同打造一个时长3天的共享实验空间。超级植物将以【赶集】的形式,呈现一场不一样的冬日花市。

2020年1月3日到5日 ​​​​...展开全文c
#Super Plants#

又多了两款 Jellied Tree.

. 2北京·798艺术区 ​​​​
#Super Plants#

又多了两款 Jellied Tree.

. 2北京·798艺术区 ​​​​
Retro Pop Emoticons by Butcher Billy : Some of the most seminal celebrities of all time get dragged, kicking and slyly winking, into the modern world of Internetal communication, with faces abbreviated to their most basic typographic expression.
全部尺寸 | Yoga LIN Fiction | Flickr - 相片分享!
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Fashion Designer Quotes : A series of visuals developed for Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a showcase of thirteen quotes by renowned fashion designers, featuring mesmerizing geometries and striking hues, captur
Fashion Designer Quotes : A series of visuals developed for Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a showcase of thirteen quotes by renowned fashion designers, featuring mesmerizing geometries and striking hues, captur
Fashion Designer Quotes : A series of visuals developed for Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a showcase of thirteen quotes by renowned fashion designers, featuring mesmerizing geometries and striking hues, captur
Fashion Designer Quotes : A series of visuals developed for Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a showcase of thirteen quotes by renowned fashion designers, featuring mesmerizing geometries and striking hues, captur
Fashion Designer Quotes : A series of visuals developed for Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a showcase of thirteen quotes by renowned fashion designers, featuring mesmerizing geometries and striking hues, captur
Fashion Designer Quotes : A series of visuals developed for Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a showcase of thirteen quotes by renowned fashion designers, featuring mesmerizing geometries and striking hues, captur
Fashion Designer Quotes : A series of visuals developed for Institute of Textiles and Clothing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a showcase of thirteen quotes by renowned fashion designers, featuring mesmerizing geometries and striking hues, captur
SillyBoot EP Artwork - 그래픽 디자인, 디지털 아트 :  SillyBoot의 〈SEOULO> 아트워크를 만들었습니다.서울로 오고 또 혼자가 된 이후 크고 작은 여러가지 색의 일들이 자신을 지나가고, 때로는 그것이 자신을 완전히 뒤덮어버리기도 합니다.상상했던 것보다 수월치않은 서울생활은 마치 크레용의 거치면서도 부드러운 질감과 비슷합니다.각종 음원사이트에서 들으실 수 있습니다. Photographed Jay ParkCrayon Co
#picnicartfestival# PAF2019招募开始啦⬇️
@野餐picnicartfestival ​​​​
Breakin' Point
Pepita de Oliva Studio / Branding & Identity : Pepita de Oliva Studio // Branding & IdentityThis is hands down, the coolest mid century furniture selection you can find in A Coruña, Spain. Pepita de Oliva Studio is an independent studio and vintag
Nathaniel Russell adapts his woodcut technique to create positive propaganda posters : Artist and illustrator Nathaniel Russell's latest series sees him adopting the woodcut technique to create a series of the kind of propaganda posters you might find in
大嘴貓/BIG MOUTH CAT on Behance
我说这是个意外你信不信? - AcFun弹幕视频网 - 认真你就输啦 (・ω・)ノ- ( ゜- ゜)つロ
一周的周一。 ​​​​
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