Warrior Soul, Jose Rodriguez : I made this character only for fun and this is the process day by day.

All the modeling was created directly in Zbrush and the post production with photoshop.

I hope you like it!

Thanks for watching!

Warrior Soul, Jose Rodriguez : I made this character only for fun and this is the process day by day. All the modeling was created directly in Zbrush and the post production with photoshop. I hope you like it! Thanks for watching!

Warrior Soul, Jose Rodriguez : I made this character only for fun and this is the process day by day. All the modeling was created directly in Zbrush and the post production with photoshop. I hope you like it! Thanks for watching!
52采集 · 21关注
Mushu, Calvin Luu : Mushu from Mulan

Zsphere method
Mouse, Luis Arizaga Rico : 3d art collaboration with 2d artist Andy Toonz.
Another human head workflow
Reaper G, Daniel Hiew : Stuff I did at Mediadesign school.
Student short film called Reapercussions.

In our story we orginally had a lot of reapers running around and we named each of them letters. However we decided to focus
silvio-manuel-pirate-post.jpg (1396×2048)
Viking Daily Sculpt, Zoran Ratic : Daily Sculpt, Practice makes perfect.

Concept art by Mikhail Mishkin https://www.artstation.com/artist/funzee
beach boy on Behance
Warrior Soul, Jose Rodriguez : I made this character only for fun and this is the process day by day.

All the modeling was created directly in Zbrush and the post production with photoshop.

I hope you like it!

Thanks for watching!
Kookie, Jin Hyun : Designed and created the main character Kookie for my thesis project using Photoshop. Modeled the character using Maya. Painted textures in Photoshop and Zbrush. Applied normal map and displacement map using Zbrush, along with fur shade
Treasure island (lowpoly) on Behance
Take a ride. : Little piece I do just for fun :D.
New Years Greetings 2012 : 2012 New Years Greetingcard/desktop wallpaper
Dribbble - Adventure Island by Timothy J. Reynolds
Timothy J. Reynolds on Behance
[coc原画] 楼主冒着生命危险下载的~~~_部落战争吧_百度贴吧
[coc原画] 楼主冒着生命危险下载的~~~_看图_部落战争吧_百度贴吧
Top Creative Work On Behance : Showcase and discover creative work on the world's leading online platform for creative industries.
The King's Son , Léo Rezende : Personal Project i've done to study character modelling for animation.

Original concept : https://www.artstation.com/artwork/1xQOX  ( Hong SoonSang )
Merida - Disney Infinity 2.0 Toy Sculpt, Matt Thorup : I have had the privilege and honor to be one of the Character Artist/ Toy Sculptor for Disney Infinity. And to be able to work along side some of the best Concept Artist and Character Designers in the
Trojan 3d illustration about Ian Abando's trojan concept. I started this model in my Zbrush workshop. I finished the model in Blender, final touches in Photoshop.
316粉丝 · 9678采集
2016/04/21 转采自火山zzz
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