
Material Design Motion Explorations : It is awesome to see more and more people playing with Material Design. The Google visual language is much more than visual design, it is comprehensive and it blurs really well the lines that separate visual, UX and m

Material Design Motion Explorations : It is awesome to see more and more people playing with Material Design. The Google visual language is much more than visual design, it is comprehensive and it blurs really well the lines that separate visual, UX and m
53采集 · 13关注
Material Design Motion Explorations : It is awesome to see more and more people playing with Material Design. The Google visual language is much more than visual design, it is comprehensive and it blurs really well the lines that separate visual, UX and m
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我的首页 新浪微博-随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿
我的首页 新浪微博-随时随地分享身边的新鲜事儿
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2015/07/14 转采自暴走布布
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