
96采集 · 1关注
梦幻新诛仙(8.0分 1451人评价) | TapTap 发现好游戏 : 《梦幻新诛仙》是一款高自由 · 策略战斗手游。在还原诛仙经典桥段的基础上,更具梦诛“他人求长生,我求故人归”的温暖与爱。游戏以情怀还原想象,再现八大经典门派,也扩充了原著的支线情节...
妙华镜地图规划 _场景素材(东方建筑)_T20211028 #率叶插件,让花瓣网更好用_http://ly.jiuxihuan.net/?yqr=15194202#
zhengyang-hu-4.jpg (1500×4759)
@洛克猴杜震  课范沙盘土著建筑《Mahler gobi》过程图分享。@风-钟风华 @W王小琦Q @-高许阳- ​​​​
gm3kik2iqva.jpg (700×438)
7845753366_adf00177f9_k.jpg (2048×1536)
5, Bombax ceiba
5, Bombax ceiba
5, Bombax ceiba

Ryo Yambe 山家 遼(twi:Ryo_Yambe_jp),自由概念艺术家、3D建模师O网页链接

P1-4 謎建物シリーズ(神秘建筑系列)
P5-8 乗り物スケッチ(交通工具草图)
P9 メガケーブルの森(大型电缆森林) ​​​​

Ryo Yambe 山家 遼(twi:Ryo_Yambe_jp),自由概念艺术家、3D建模师O网页链接

P1-4 謎建物シリーズ(神秘建筑系列)
P5-8 乗り物スケッチ(交通工具草图)
P9 メガケーブルの森(大型电缆森林) ​​​​
observatory tower, min seub Jung
Chinese castle_3, min seub Jung
Harbor town_2, min seub Jung
project, pang p
Project Miracle, dongjin lee : old work 2016~2017
《新手村》, G xy : 尝试一下新的表达
Shardbound: Environment Exploration, Johannes Figlhuber : Simon Kopp and I had the opportunity to work on Spiritwalk Games' Shardbound late 2015 into early 2016. We at Airborn studios helped develop the look and feel of the playable areas within the game
western journey mobile 3d, HooOoN . : The concept art of "大话西游热血版-胡歌力荐3D动作手游 " (Netease China)
迷雾世界(mi wu shi jie ), HooOoN . : The concept art of Netease mobile game"迷雾世界(mi wu shi jie ) " 
All of the characters are designed by my colleague. 
The Duke's Court, Connor Sheehan : Using 3d as a base and using a mixture of lines and shadow to show form. Really enjoyed this process and hope to do more of these sketches.
密地, Jia Yonghui : 密地 by Jia Yonghui on ArtStation.
Corrupted water (colored), David Noren : Update colored
Illaoi, The Kraken Priestess, Hing Chui : Illaoi was the first League of Legends character I had the chance to work on at Riot! Christopher Campbell was the concept artist who conceived and developed this champion. I came on during production to help fini
Onmyoji moba (决战平安京) environment sketch 06, Nigel Goh : Onmyoji moba (决战平安京) environment sketch 06
(Netease Games)
Tavern & Guild Hall, Su Wang : Work done for the talented environment artist Moses Saintfleur, https://www.artstation.com/soulexist
The village of toad, yeonji Rhee : 2017. 12

keyword - magnificence / crowded / waterfall

The village of toad 

The frog followed toads into their village.
He was overwhelmed with the grandeur of their life.
Then, Finally he reached the their palace...
10粉丝 · 346采集
2022/05/26 转采自Cllili
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